Friday, 23 May 2014

General knowledge related to Geography

Ecosystem: It is a system formed by the interaction of all living organisms with each other and with the physical and chemical actors of the environment in which they live, all linked by transfer of energy and material. Large rain forest, grassland, desert, mountains, lake, river, ocean and even a small pond are examples of ecosystem.

natural environment: All living and non-living things which exist together naturally form natural environment. It refers to both biotic and abiotic conditions exist on the earth. Land, water, air, plants and animals comprise the natural environment.

major components of the environment : Following are the major components of the environment:1. Natural components: Land, Water, Air, biosphere.2. Man made components: Bridge, buildings, roads, monuments etc.3. Activities and interactions of human beings: social, family, political, economic activities etc.

  • Bridge, buildings, roads, monuments, hospitals are four examples of human made environment.

lithosphere: Lithosphere is the solid crust or the hard top layer of the earth. It is made up of rocks and minerals and covered by a thin layer of soil. Is irregular surface forms various landforms like mountains, valleys, plains etc.

  • Plants and animals are the two major components of biotic environment.

biosphere: Plant and animal kingdom together make biosphere or the living world. It is a narrow zone of the earth where land, water and air interact with each other to support life.

Man modifies his environment : Environment is our basic life support system. To fulfill his needs, man builds homes, factories and modifies the environment and its mineral wealth. For food, shelter and agriculture, he cuts forests and utilize land and water.

Plants and animals depend on each other: Plants and animals are also interdependent on each other. Plants consume carbon dioxide and give oxygen to air and prepare food, thus are producers. Animals consume plants and plant products. They also absorb oxygen and release carbon dioxide for plants. The dead and decaying animals act as nutrition to plants. Forests are the natural habitat for wild life.

  • Humidity is a measure of the moisture in air. Hygrometer is used to measure humidity.
WeatherThe day-to-day condition of the atmosphere at a place with respect to the temperature, humidity, rainfall, windspeed, etc., is called the weather at that place.
  • Rain gauge used to measure rainfall.

Climate: The average weather pattern taken over a long time, say 25 years, is called the climate of the place.

adaptationThe tendency of an animal (organism) to develop special features which improve the chances of its survival in the surroundings where it lives is called adaptation.e.g. the thick coat of fur of polar bear is its adaptation to survive in polar/cold region.

tropical rainforest in India: Tropical rainforests are found in Western Ghats (Kerela, Karnataka, Nilgiri Hills, Maharashtra etc.) and Assam in India,

elephant living in the tropical rainforest adapt itself: An elephant has adapted to rainforest climatic conditions in the following ways:1. It long trunk which acts as nose has a strong sense of smell.2. It also uses its trunk to pick up food.3. Its tusks are modified teeth which can tear the bark of trees for food.4. Large ears of the elephant help it to hear even very soft sounds.5. Large ears also help the elephant to keep cool in the hot and humid climate of the rainforest.

camouflage: Many tropical animals can blend their skin colour with the surroundings. This feature is called camouflage. It protects them from predators. It also helps wild cats (e.g. lions and tigers) to catch their prey.

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